Home Access & Identity Quercus to secure Kenya’s I&M Bank
Quercus to secure Kenya’s I&M Bank

Quercus to secure Kenya’s I&M Bank


Quercus Technologies announced that Kenya’s leading commercial bank, I&M Bank has chosen its license plate recognition cameras to control the access points to their parking facilities.

The cameras recognize the license plate of the vehicles that go into the parking garages, comparing them to the ones registered on the whitelist of staff. If the license plate is on the list, the barrier is automatically opened without the need for a ticket. The time saved at the entry and exit of the office building is enough reason to invest in smart parking. Moreover, it allows the parking manager to perform an hourly control of the vehicles, and thus, of their owners.

Quercus Technologies’ automatic license plate recognition allows access to the parking facilities for the registered vehicles, whose license plates have been previously registered in the database. The automation based on whitelists is a feature more and more appreciated by the owners of the corporate buildings such as offices, agencies, or banks. This explains why these types of buildings from all over the world choose to install SmartLPR Access cameras, developed by Quercus Technologies. These cameras improve the traffic flow of staff vehicles, therefore reducing the queue and avoiding the loss of time. Now, when it is more important than ever, they also prevent people from touching external surfaces, with the help of automation.

SNS Mideast
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