Home Cyber Security Dubai develops security standards for autonomous vehicles
Dubai develops security standards for autonomous vehicles

Dubai develops security standards for autonomous vehicles


Dubai Electronic Security Centre (DESC) is all set to launch its own Cyber Security Standards for Autonomous Vehicles (AV) marking yet another first for the city in the region. These standards will provide guidelines for the security of Autonomous Vehicles, and will become the benchmark for the industry.

Yousuf Al Shaibanai, Director-General of Dubai Electronic Security Centre, said, “Dubai is considered one of the forefront modern examples of evolving and developing cities in the world and it is with great appreciation and aspirations of the wise leadership that has advanced us to utilise disrupting technology such as self-driven cars. The development of the autonomous vehicle’s standard draws upon the Dubai Autonomous Transportation Strategy which aims to transform 25 percent of the total transportation in Dubai to autonomous mode by 2030.”

He further added, “DESC has worked diligently along with its government partners to establish the best practices and standards to be adopted to enable and secure these emerging technologies against any challenges, hence with the attainment Autonomous Vehicles infused with high level of security means that we can smoothly move to an era where human drivers are not needed and where self-driving can fully be trusted to be driven hundreds of miles of trips without disruption,”

The Research and Innovation Manager at DESC, Dr. Bushra Al Blooshi, said, “The initial phase structure of the standard was developed by conducting a full survey scope of the cyber threats and risks facing AVs, and an analysis of the failures/attacks that previously affected Autonomous Vehicles. The Cyber Security Standard for Autonomous Vehicles extensively covers aspects such as the vehicle’s communication security, software security, hardware security and supply chain security.”



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