Home News VCA Technology offers Covid retail management solution
VCA Technology offers Covid retail management solution

VCA Technology offers Covid retail management solution


UK based VCA Technology, have released new features in the VCAcore application that enable retailers to load software on their existing VMS/Server to generate alerts and control ingress to help with Covid retail management of store and building occupancy.

Using Pose Estimation analytics we are able to accurately count people entering and leaving a building without the need for a conventional “count line”. The current Covid rules restrict the number of people permitted in retail premises so having an accurate and live occupancy count is essential. Alerts are generated through the system when a preset maximum occupancy is reached and through the VMS system this can generate an output to drive a “Green Light” system or even lock and unlock doors.

Employing security guards to count people in and out is a very expensive way to manage Covid social distancing and occupancy requirement, costing £1000’s a week per large store. This simple solution can be implemented quickly and at a fraction of the costs retailers are currently incurring.

The added benefit is that this not a knee jerk reaction to resolve a Covid retail management issue, it also provides long term advantages. Our development roadmap includes many features that will assist the retailer in the long term, so feature upgrades will be commonplace and add significant value to the business well beyond the current Covid restrictions.

Suitable for small and large retail premises and public buildings, this new application can utilise existing cameras and therefore minimise disruption and installation time.

This software based solution can be added to your existing Server, VMS or PSIM, whether this is installed on site or centrally managed remotely. Please contact us for a list of VMS and PSIM partners.

Features and Applications:

  • Traffic light system based on occupancy (for larger multi camera stores)
  • Occupancy alert (single camera FOV for smaller shops)
  • Using occupancy alert for opening/locking door
  • Social distancing at checkout
  • Queue counting at check out
  • No privacy issues (metadata only)
  • Use existing cameras
  • Unique ID (no double counting)
  • One off licence cost
SNS Mideast
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