Home News SmartSens unveils 4 megapixel image sensor
SmartSens unveils 4 megapixel image sensor

SmartSens unveils 4 megapixel image sensor


SmartSens announced the latest addition, SC4210, to its SmartClarity product line. SC4210 is a 4 megapixel image sensor based on advanced BSI (back-illuminated) pixel technology, using a 1/1.8″ optical size to deliver excellent imaging quality in low illumination environments.

According to SmartSens, Until now, CMOS image sensor developers have been challenged to achieve clear image recognition in low-light or no-light conditions. Although traditional infrared or white fill light technology can obtain relatively clear images in low illumination environments, it sacrifices image color, and can only produce black-and-white images. With the increasing performance requirements for image recognition in the field of security, surveillance and artificial intelligence, CMOS image sensors are not only required to provide color information, but also better technical indicators such as resolution, sensitivity, dynamic range and frame rate.

With the rapid development of AI and IoT, application scenarios such as smart security, smart industry and intelligent driving have become increasingly popular. For example, in the China market alone, 20 million sets of intelligent monitoring systems equipped with AI technology have been installed. This series of new application scenarios puts higher performance requirements on CMOS image sensors. In order to meet the needs of various industry applications, SmartSens has innovatively integrated the BSI pixel process into the CMOS image sensor development, and launched the SC4210 CMOS image sensor, with market breakthrough of the 1/1.8″ optical size.

The SC4210 CMOS image sensor will be used primarily in applications such as professional security surveillance cameras, face recognition smart cameras, industrial cameras, high-end traffic recorders, motion cameras and video teleconferencing systems. With the powerful performance of the industry-leading 4 megapixel image sensor with 1/1.8″ optical size, applications can achieve clear color imaging in low-light conditions, greatly improving the scene adaptation of imaging products.

A spokesperson from SmartSens said “Since SmartSens’ beginning, we have always taken customer needs and industry application development as the core of our technological innovation. We launched SC4210 to meet the industry’s evolving needs for emerging applications in key areas such as AI and IoT. We leveraged our extensive product development experience in CMOS image sensors to develop SC4210 — an innovative image sensing product based on advanced BSI pixel technology.”


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