Home News FORCESPOT inks new distribution partnership with Morphisec
FORCESPOT inks new distribution partnership with Morphisec

FORCESPOT inks new distribution partnership with Morphisec


Technology distributor, FORCESPOT today announced it has entered a new distribution partnership with cybersecurity company Morphisec.

Jaytirtha Didddigi, Managing Partner, FORCESPOT

Commenting on the partnership, the Jaytirtha Didddigi, Managing Partner, FORCESPOT, said “Morphisec’s MTD technology is ultra-lightweight, low maintenance, doesn’t need prior knowledge of attacks in the form of signatures or behavior patterns, works without an internet connection, and slashes false positive alerts. Morphisec augments solutions such as NGAV, EPP, and EDR/XDR to prevent the attacks they can’t detect, creating defense in depth that offers both peace of mind and incredible ease of use with negligible performance impact.”

“We are confident partners in the region will be ecstatic to use this technology that lowers costs, improves operational efficiency, and boosts security against the most damaging cyberattacks.”

Morphisec offers endpoint, server, and cloud security powered by its patented, automated Moving Target Defense (MTD) technology. MTD randomly morphs the runtime memory environment to create an unpredictable attack surface, preventing threat actors from executing attacks in memory. Morphisec’s innovative technology protects against the most damaging, undetectable cyberattacks like ransomware, supply chain attacks, zero-days, polymorphic attacks, fileless, and in-memory attacks.

Ronen Yehoshua, CEO at MorphisecMorphisec’s Moving Target Defense technology secures both Windows and Linux runtime memory, making prevention-first security a reality. This revolutionary technology is making waves in the cybersecurity industry, with a new Gartner report stating “Automated moving target defense is an emerging game-changing technology for improving cyber defense.”

Morphisec CEO Ronen Yehoshua said, “We’re thrilled to leverage the expertise and market reach of Forcespot to roll out our partner program quicker and strengthen our position in the Middle East. With our patented technology, enterprises in the region can enhance their security posture and ensure they stay out of the news headlines.”

SNS Mideast
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