Obvious Technologies and Azur Drones joined their hands to offer a new innovative solution for public safety and mission-critical organizations, in France and overseas with a focus on Middle East.
Drones are now increasingly used for security applications. Azur Drones’ Skeyetech drone is fully autonomous: it carries out surveillance missions, without any remote pilot, by day or night, from its docking station. Thanks to the emerging partnership between Azur Drones and Obvious Technologies, Skeyetech will ultimately be operated from OODA (Orient, Observe, Decide & Act) C2 platform to report an alert, provide an aerial viewpoint and share various valuable data whenever incidents occur.
“OODA platform was designed to accelerate the access to useful information, as well as the decision-making process throughout the chain of command. Using artificial intelligence capabilities, OODA fuses data from multiple sensors and transforms them, in real time, into actionable information for decision and action. As an on-demand mobile camera, Skeyetech autonomous drone is a valuable system that enriches the data analysed in OODA.” explains Thierry Orosco, CEO of Obvious Technologies. “Skeyetech can also be sent to an alert zone in a few seconds to provide a 360° view of the situation, especially in areas without resources or fixed cameras, in order to assess the criticality and to guide the intervention teams beforehand.”
“Skeyetech and OODA are two French solution, at the cutting edge of the latest technologies which, together provide a real operational benefit for professionals. We are delighted to offer them today a combined solution to help security teams saving time, improving their performance, saving people lives and limiting infrastructure losses.” adds Jean-Marc Crépin, CEO of Azur Drones.
The integrated OODA / SKEYETECH solution offers a unique added value for securing critical sites in sectors such as nuclear, Oil & Gas, ports but also Safe Cities.