Bosch upgrades Aviotec IP starlight 8000 for early detection of fires in low light
Bosch recently announced the release of the new version for Aviotec IP starlight 8000, that will enable the camera with early detection of fires even in low light conditions. Flames and smoke can be detected down to an ambient lighting level of two lux, extending the proven video analytics in the camera by artificial intelligence, processing the results of more than 20 algorithms and making an alarm decision on this basis.
The latest firmware version 7.61, is designed for low light conditions such as warehouses and production plants at night, with the sensitivity able to be adapted to environmental condition requirements using programmable schedules. The cameras can also be used simultaneously for fire detection and video surveillance.
According to Bosch, “Aviotec IP starlight 8000 is the perfect answer for facilities used for industry, transportation, warehousing and utilities such as energy to minimize detection time with low false alarm rates. Improving the rescue chain through fast detection and situational awareness protects lives and minimizes damage.” Although, these systems can also be installed in historic buildings by being installed in almost unused side rooms with minimal lighting such as through small windows.
The video-based fire detection AVIOTEC IP starlight 8000 is now delivered with the new firmware.